Who is this Sierra Dawn, anyway?


My writing is stubborn idealism, paradoxically meshed with an unflinching portrayal of the human condition.


One of my short stories, “Just the Way,” was published in the literary arts journal, The Brushfire, in the spring of 2010. You can read my other published short story, “Pyramid,” on page twenty-three of The Write Place at the Write Time winter issue of 2013. I’ve also had an academic paper, “From Batgirl to Oracle: Barbara Gordon Fighting Crime in a (Bat)Man’s World,” published in the literary arts journal, Stellaria, in the fall of 2011.


My first novel, Finding ‘Ohana,

Finding 'Ohana cover 3

shows the locals’ Hawai’i, which tourists rarely see, from the point of view of a grieving woman as she struggles to regain her family.

My current work in progress is an urban fantasy novel, Tahoe’s Moon,

Tahoe's Moon cover.png

which takes place in my own hometown of Reno, Nevada, where I live with my husband Mike, our son David, and two family dogs.

Finally, I love to hear from my readers, so please feel free to comment openly on anything I post! Not just the good stuff, either. Without critiques, nothing would get any better!

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